How to Write a Business Acquisition Plan

A well-organized acquisition strategy is necessary for anyone looking to make a bold business decision, such as buying another business. The document serves as a blueprint to make the purchase successful and provides you with a clear path to get your business from where it is now to where it will be following the purchase.

The first section should explain the motivation behind the purchase and how it is incorporated to your overall business strategy. It is also important to explain the advantages of acquiring this company and how it will increase your profits. The next section details the financial impact of the acquisition. This includes a breakdown on current sales, EBITDA, (Earnings Before Taxes Depreciation Amortisation), and debt, which includes personal financial guarantees, hire/lease agreements business forecasts and plans, and budgets.

A brief description of the company you are interested in and the management team are included in this section. This will aid you in determining if the business is a good fit and could be helpful in creating your negotiation position.

The last section outlines the objectives and actions you need to meet to acquire the company. These should be specific and measurable. For instance, you could you set a goal to find 10 potential acquisitions within the next quarter. This will help you measure your progress and ensure you stay on track to achieve an acquisition that’s successful.

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